Quartz Scheduler
- It is a library supports scheduling automated Jobs to run in Java applications
- Support for a simple standalone Java application to large scale enterprise applications.
- Jobs scheduling configuration can be done through XML Configuration or through the Java program itself.
- It is free & an open source library.
This post will explain the implementation of Quartz Scheduler Listener. Listener helps to monitor the various jobs running through the Quartz Scheduler.
- Eclipse (Mars2)
- Quartz Library.
- Scheduler - will pick the job and start the process.
- Job - defined with what should be executed.
- Listener - will monitor the job.
First, Create a Job (
import org.quartz.Job;
import org.quartz.JobDataMap;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
public class MyJob implements Job {
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
// Write/call your actual business functions.
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
// just to show some delay for job.
System.out.println("****My Details*******");
JobDataMap jobDetails = jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();
System.out.println("First Name: " + jobDetails.getString("FirstName"));
System.out.println("Last Name: " + jobDetails.getString("LastName"));
System.out.println("City Name: " + jobDetails.getString("City"));
Create a Job Constants (
public interface MyJobConstants {
Now, Create a Scheduler(
import org.quartz.JobBuilder;
import org.quartz.JobDetail;
import org.quartz.JobKey;
import org.quartz.Scheduler;
import org.quartz.SimpleScheduleBuilder;
import org.quartz.Trigger;
import org.quartz.TriggerBuilder;
import org.quartz.TriggerKey;
import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;
public class MyScheduler {
// Set Job details
public void scheduleJob() throws Exception {
JobKey jobKey = new JobKey("RanjithJob", "RanjithGroup");
JobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity(jobKey).build();
* Set required values to the JobDetail object, so that it can be retrieved
* when executing the job.
jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("FirstName", "Ranjith");
jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("LastName", "Sekar");
jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("City", "Chennai");
// Setting the start time of the job.
MyJobListener.jobStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Trigger the Job
// Trigger the job
private void triggerJob(JobDetail jobDetail) throws Exception {
TriggerKey triggerKey = new TriggerKey("MyTriggerKey", "MyTriggerGroup"
+ System.currentTimeMillis());
* Create Trigger and mention schedule details like: when it should trigger
* and how many times it should execute
Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder
// Create Scheduler
Scheduler scheduler = new StdSchedulerFactory().getScheduler();
scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(new MyJobListener());
scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);
Create a Listener (
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
import org.quartz.JobListener;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
public class MyJobListener implements JobListener {
static int completedJobCount;
public static long jobStartTime;
public String getName() {
// define your own job name.
return "MYJOB";
public void jobExecutionVetoed(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) {
// Not sure user of this method.
System.out.println("Entering - jobExecutionVetoed()");
public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) {
// Entry point for every Job
System.out.println("\nEntering - jobToBeExecuted()");
System.out.println("Job Name: " + jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getKey().getName());
System.out.println("Exiting - jobToBeExecuted()");
public void jobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext, JobExecutionException jobExecutionException) {
// Exit point for every job
System.out.println("Entering - jobWasExecuted()");
String jobName = jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getKey().getName();
System.out.println("Job Name: " + jobName);
// Stop the scheduler once its completes all the scheduled jobs.
completedJobCount = completedJobCount + 1;
System.out.println("Job: " + jobName + " completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - jobStartTime)
+ " milliseconds.");
if (completedJobCount == MyJobConstants.JOB_REPEAT_COUNT) {
try {
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Exiting - jobWasExecuted()");
Finally, Create a Client ( to test the Quartz Scheduler.
public class TestMyJob {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MyScheduler myScheduler = new MyScheduler();
Entering - jobToBeExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Exiting - jobToBeExecuted()
****My Details*******
First Name: Ranjith
Last Name: Sekar
City Name: Chennai
Entering - jobWasExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Job: RanjithJob completed in 113 milliseconds.
Exiting - jobWasExecuted()
Entering - jobToBeExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Exiting - jobToBeExecuted()
****My Details*******
First Name: Ranjith
Last Name: Sekar
City Name: Chennai
Entering - jobWasExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Job: RanjithJob completed in 2005 milliseconds.
Exiting - jobWasExecuted()
Entering - jobToBeExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Exiting - jobToBeExecuted()
****My Details*******
First Name: Ranjith
Last Name: Sekar
City Name: Chennai
Entering - jobWasExecuted()
Job Name: RanjithJob
Job: RanjithJob completed in 4004 milliseconds.
Exiting - jobWasExecuted()
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