Friday, March 3, 2017

Java 8 New Features - Introduction


Java 8 came up with a lot of enhancements. Features like Lambda Expression and Streams plays a major role on simplicity and maintainable code.
This post aims to provide the outline of Java 8 new features.
  1. Lambda Expressions
  2. Functional Interfaces
  3. Method References
  4. Streams
  5. Interface Enhancements
  6. Collection Enhancements
  7. Date & Time API Enhancements


  • Lambda expression enables functional programming in java which is not present till Java 8
  • Simplifies the code and removes unwanted codes(boilerplate codes).
  • @FunctionalInterface annotation helps to create our own Functional Interfaces. A functional interface can contain only one method. An example is a Runnable Interface.
  • Syntax : argument(s) -> expression
  • Lambda expression can be defined without argument, one argument or multiple arguments
  • without argument
MyLambda myLambda = () -> System.out.println("Test");;
  • one argument
(a) -> System.out.println(a);
  • multiple argument
MyMath add = (a, b) -> a + b;
System.out.println("Sum is: " + add.calc(8, 4));


  • Functional Interfaces are the java interfaces which will contain only one method.
  • In Java 8, new package java.util.function has been introduced.
  • Main interfaces are:
    • Function - assignment for any lambda expressions
    • Predicate
    • Consumer
    • Supplier


  • Method reference help to access the public & non-static method of any class.
  • Syntax : Class::method
  • Example: mylist.forEach(System.out::println)


  • Streams are functional style.
  • Mainly process the list of elements of any type.
  • In Java 8, new package has been introduced.
  • Main classes & Interfaces are
    • Stream
    • Collector
    • Collectors
  • Streams are processed without or multiple intermediate operations (intermediate streams) and terminal operations (final output).
  • Intermediate operations are lazy operations which mean it will accept the input and wait for processing till the terminal operation is encountered. Example operations are
    • filter
    • map
    • mapToInt
  • Terminal operations are
    • sum
    • average
    • min
    • max


  • Java 8 provides another interesting feature in the interface like having concrete methods in it.
  • concrete methods in the interfaces are either static or default access modifier.

public interface Test {
 void food();
 default void speak() {
   System.out.println("i can't speak :(");
 default double average() {
          return 20 / 5;
 static void fly() {
   System.out.println("i can't fly :(");
 static int add() {
   return 5 + 4;
 static List<String> cities() {
   return Arrays.asList("Chennai", "Mumbai", "Bangalore");

Hope this post gives a brief introduction to Java 8 new features and enhancements.
Please share your thoughts in the comment box.
Happy Knowledge Sharing!!!

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